
Blackjack Card Counting Explained

James Smith
July 13, 2020
Modified: March 10, 2025
blackjack dealer at Betiton

Card counting is one of the most popular methods for playing blackjack, right up there with the basic strategy method. Blackjack card counting is even more well-known because it gained a lot of fame thanks to popular Hollywood movies taking inspiration.

If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly introduction to blackjack to help you learn how to count cards accurately, you’ve landed on the right page. I’ll guide you through the basic blackjack card counting rules and introduce you to the most popular ways to count cards in blackjack. This will help you to find a suitable method to try on the blackjack table.

What is Card Counting in Blackjack?

Card counting is widely considered a necessary skill to play a blackjack casino game with the best odds of winning. The card counting system has been used at casinos for decades, and if done perfectly, it might reduce the house edge in the game.

Card counting refers to keeping a running count of cards dealt in the game to estimate the cards left in the deck. Using this knowledge, you can increase or decrease your bet accordingly.

Like basic strategy, card counting can be a very effective way to play blackjack. However, besides being quite a complex method that takes a lot of practice to get right, it’s also not a foolproof method for winning blackjack.

How Does Card Counting in Blackjack Work?

black blackjack cards

Card counting is a basic blackjack strategy that works best in a real casino. Due to continuous shuffle machines in online casinos, counting cards when playing online games is difficult.

That said, land-based casinos have methods for spotting card counters and are authorised to ban such players, so it must be done very discreetly.

Below is a basic step-by-step guide for counting cards.

  • Assign a value to every card dealt, according to your chosen system for counting cards.
  • Keep a running count by adding up these values.
  • Convert your running count into a true count by dividing it by the number of decks used.
  • Use your true count to determine which side has an advantage (you or the casino).
  • According to the counting cards method, you should increase your bet when the true count rises, and vice versa.

What is a Card Counting Trainer?

A blackjack card counting trainer is a free online tool to help you become a skilled card counter with repeated practice.

This is the best way to get some blackjack card counting practice without the risk of losing money in a real casino game.

Here’s a summary of how to use a card counting online blackjack trainer:

  • The trainer presents a sequence of cards for you to count and enter your running count.
  • When you submit your answer, the trainer will tell you whether your count is correct.
  • Shuffle the deck when you want to start a new count.
  • The trainer will also time you to practice counting cards as quickly as possible.
  • You can adjust the blackjack trainer setting according to the number of decks you want, the speed cards are dealt with, and how often you want to be asked to input your running count.

The Top 5 Best Card Counting Strategies

blackjack cards and symbols

Since the method of counting cards was first introduced by Edward O. Thorp, it’s been developed and improved significantly. As a result, blackjack players now have many strategies for counting cards.

Hi-Lo Strategy

The Hi-Lo blackjack card counting system is the most common system used to count cards in this classic casino game.

To apply this blackjack card counting system, you’ll first need to remember the assigned values for each card, as shown in the table below. As the cards are dealt, you’ll need to assign the correct value to each one and keep a running count.

🃏 CardđŸ«° Value
Cards 2 to 6+1
Cards 7 to 90
Face cards and Ace-1

💡NOTE: If the deck is reshuffled, the blackjack card counting Hi Lo system states you should start your count from zero. This way of counting cards is considered the easiest system to implement in a casino setting and the best card counting system for blackjack beginners.

Omega 2 Strategy

The Omega 2 blackjack card counting strategy is an advanced card counting strategy you can try your hand at. This card counting system was created in 1992 by Bryce Carlson, and it’s classified as a balanced system.

In the Omega 2 systems, the assigned values differ from the usual values.

  • 2, 3, and 7 have a value of 1
  • 4, 5, and 6 have a value of 2
  • 9 has a value of -1
  • Face cards and 10 have a value of -2
  • 8 and Ace have a value of 0

💡NOTE: This is one of the most complex blackjack card counting systems since there are four assigned values to keep up with. On the other hand, it’s also proven to be even more effective than the classic method of counting cards but making mistakes when using the system can easily lead to big losses.

Wong Halves

The Wong Halves, or Halves for short, is one of the most complex card counting techniques in blackjack, suitable for experienced players who already know the basic card counting principles.

It can be applied like any other method of counting cards to keep a running count, but the card values are different:

  • 3, 4, and 6 have a value of 1
  • 2 and 7 have a value of 0.5
  • 5 has a value of 1.5
  • 8 has a value of 0
  • 9 has a value of -0.5
  • 10, Ace, and face cards have a value of -1

Multiple Decks

The double deck blackjack card counting system can be used for games played with multiple decks. The basic rules for counting cards can still be applied with various decks, but as you may expect, it becomes more complicated.

The true count is particularly important when multiple decks are used, but converting your running count to get a true count is not as simple. This is because you’ll need to divide your running count over all the decks in play, which can get tricky.

💡Tip: The best way to count cards in a multi-deck blackjack game is to use a balanced card counting blackjack system like the Hi-Lo, Wong Halves, or Omega 2 card counting systems.

Team Play

The team play method is an interesting and popular way of counting cards in a casino. Popularised in famous Hollywood movies inspired by the method of counting cards, this tactic is used by experienced card counters working as a team.

Each team member puts up a portion of the stake, positions themselves at different tables and plays the minimum bet only. A main player is assigned to make the bigger bets in the game. When the count is favourable, one of the other players signals the main player to make a big bet.

💡NOTE: The team play method for card counting in blackjack can be very effective, but it’s not as easy to implement since you need to gather a whole team of skilled card counters. On another note, it doesn’t apply to online blackjack card counting.

What You Need to Know Before Using Card Counting?

blackjack card counting

Before you start learning how to count cards, the most important thing to know is that this method takes a lot of time to master. It’s not a guaranteed method of beating the dealer, and while it can give you a slight advantage, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth taking the time to learn it.

If you plan on playing online blackjack, basic strategy might be a much more effective strategy to implement than counting cards. Finally, if you want to become a card counter, remember to practice the strategy using a free trainer before playing with real money.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions about Blackjack Card Counting

Card counting involves assigning a value to each card or card type and keeping a running count of the cards dealt. The running count is then divided by the number of decks left to get your true count. If the true count rises, you can raise your bet.

Yes, contrary to some blackjack myths, counting cards is perfectly legal. However, card counting is highly frowned upon at land-based casinos.

If you’re recognised as a card counter in a casino, you’ll likely be removed from the premises immediately. In some cases, you might not even be able to cash in your chips, and you’ll be banned from returning.

The best blackjack card counting game system is the Hi-Lo method because it’s suitable for inexperienced players and easy to apply with just three card values.

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James Smith

At the age of 28, James, an expert in technology and video gaming with a passion for online casinos, pursued studies in Creative Writing and Media Studies at the University of London. As an active contributor to the Gizmodo Twitter account, his goal is to share his knowledge of video game culture and technological advancements with you, the readers.
